Author Archives: Greco Neyland, PC

Home /  Articles by: Greco Neyland, PC
30 Aug 2023

Understanding the Texas Three Strikes Law

By Dustan Neyland

Texas has a tough-on-crime stance. Part of that stance is invoking harsher punishments for repeat…

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21 Aug 2023

Can Criminal Records Be Expunged in Houston, TX?

By Dustan Neyland

One of the hardest parts of receiving an adult criminal conviction is how your criminal…

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14 Aug 2023

The Pros and Cons of Refusing a Breathalyzer Test in Houston, TX

By Dustan Neyland

When it becomes clear that HPD or Texas State Police suspect you of drunk driving,…

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08 Aug 2023

7 Common Myths About Criminal Law in Texas

By Dustan Neyland

Most people don’t understand the criminal defense system and process well. Television, genre fiction, and…

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31 Jul 2023

How Does the Grand Jury Process Work in Houston, TX?

By Dustan Neyland

Our criminal justice process includes two types of juries. A petit jury can convict a…

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24 Jul 2023

Understanding Extortion and Blackmail Charges in Houston, TX

By Dustan Neyland

Blackmail and extortion make fun plots in movies, but it’s not much fun to be…

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17 Jul 2023

Appeals Can Sit for Decades in Harris County

By Dustan Neyland

The villain sometimes frustrates the hero on television by “getting out on appeal,” sometimes days…

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10 Jul 2023

Defending Assault Charges in Houston, TX

By Dustan Neyland

Throw a single punch, and you could change your life. Assault charges are nothing to…

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29 Jun 2023

What is an Attempted Crime in Texas?

By Dustan Neyland

“Attempted murder” fuels the plot of many television crime dramas, but murder is not the…

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24 Jun 2023

What is Criminal Mischief in Texas?

By Dustan Neyland

Recently, Texas football player Agiye Hall was suspended after being arrested on criminal mischief charges.…

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