Author Archives: Greco Neyland, PC

Home /  Articles by: Greco Neyland, PC
27 May 2022

How Pretrial Diversion Works in Houston, TX

By Dustan Neyland

A pretrial diversion can sometimes help you avoid conviction. It allows you to agree to…

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20 May 2022

Is Marital Rape a Crime in Texas?

By Dustan Neyland

Marital rape is a crime in all 50 states, and has been since 1994. A…

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15 May 2022

What Houston, TX Residents Need to Know About Harassment

By Dustan Neyland

A recent story found that women who work for Uber, Doordash, and other “gig economy”…

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01 May 2022

Is Ignorance of the Law a Valid Defense in a Houston, TX Criminal Case?

By Dustan Neyland

In most Texas cases, ignorance of the law will not help you as any kind…

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28 Apr 2022

How Much Evidence Must Houston, TX Prosecutors Turn Over About Your Case?

By Dustan Neyland

You might already be aware that when you are charged with a crime that the…

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24 Apr 2022

Can the Police Attach a GPS to Your Houston, TX Car?

By Dustan Neyland

In plenty of detective movies and shows, police officers follow a suspect around to find…

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08 Apr 2022

How Self-Defense Pleas Work in Houston, TX

By Dustan Neyland

On television, the hero can commit all kinds of assault or even murder and be…

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27 Mar 2022

How Does Bail Work in Houston, TX?

By Dustan Neyland

Once you are arrested, you will have a bail hearing. During this hearing, a judge…

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21 Mar 2022

What Should You Do If There’s a Warrant Out for Your Arrest in Houston, TX?

By Dustan Neyland

Any arrest warrant is a serious matter. Sometimes they come as an unpleasant surprise: you…

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13 Mar 2022

How To Exercise Your Right to Remain Silent After a Houston, TX Arrest

By Dustan Neyland

We’ve all seen the television shows where police officers read Miranda rights to the people…

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