Fort Bend Prostitution Lawyer

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Fort Bend Prostitution Attorney

Being charged with soliciting prostitution has the potential to cause serious, irreparable damage to your life. Even an accusation of solicitation may be enough to hurt your job opportunities, your professional relationships, your personal relationships, and your status in your community. If you are ever arrested for soliciting prostitution, you should immediately reach out to an experienced Fort Bend prostitution lawyer for help. They may be able to provide you with a strong defense strategy against sexual crimes.

Best Fort Bend Prostitution Lawyer

What Is Prostitution?

Simply put, prostitution is the act of soliciting money in exchange for sexual favors. It is illegal in Texas under the Texas Penal Code, which declares it a potential third-degree felony. Such a felony charge could result in a prison sentence of up to ten years and a fine of $10,000. Even though some other states and countries may have decriminalized or even fully legalized prostitution, that doesn’t mean it is any less illegal in the state of Texas.

In addition, soliciting a child for sex can result in even harsher charges. The age of consent in Texas is generally 17, but it does not matter in court whether you knew the age of the person when you allegedly solicited them for sex. If you are arrested and charged with solicitation, your very first move should be to reach out to an experienced Fort Bend prostitution attorney so they can help you form a defense strategy and challenge these charges.

Possible Defenses Against Prostitution in Fort Bend, TX

When you are arrested for soliciting a prostitute, you may feel like you have already lost. Criminal charges can feel insurmountable, and you may assume that the damage has already begun. However, this doesn’t have to be the case. You may have more than a chance of beating these charges if you decide to bring an experienced Fort Bend prostitution lawyer to your case. Here are some possible defenses against a prostitution charge that you might use:

  • Entrapment: A typical sting operation that police do is set up an undercover officer as a prostitute in order to trap potential paying customers and arrest them for solicitation. However, such a situation could be viewed as potential entrapment. In an entrapment case, you were deliberately tricked by law enforcement into doing something you otherwise never would’ve done. Entrapment is a very specific scenario; however, it can be a successful defense.
  • Lack of Knowledge: You can always claim that you had no idea the person you had sexual contact with was a prostitute. If money never actually exchanged hands, this defense might work. However, it can be difficult to prove and could result in a judge simply not buying your version of events. It is a fairly risky strategy, but it could be considered a valid defense.
  • Consensual Sex: If no money is exchanged, there is virtually no evidence that an act of solicitation of prostitution ever took place. As far as anyone knows, what happened was an act of consensual sex between two adults of legal age that nobody actually paid for. If you can prove there was no money exchanged, this defense could work for you.
  • Duress: You could claim that you only agreed to pay for sex after being forced to under duress. What you have done may not be considered a crime if you were forced to commit it. This could be considered another valid defense strategy.


Q: What Is the New Prostitution Law in Texas?

A: The new prostitution law, which took effect in late 2021, makes it a felony to solicit a prostitute within the state of Texas. Solicitation is now considered a state felony, meaning it could be punishable by up to two years in prison and a fine of $10,000 for a first offense. A second offense increases the prison time to up to ten years, and the fine remains the same.

Q: How Can I Beat a Solicitation Charge in Texas?

A: There are several ways you can beat a solicitation charge in Texas. With your Fort Bend Prostitution Lawyer, you can build a defense strategy around multiple possibilities. You could try and argue that the police entrapped you into paying for sex or that you did so under duress. You could argue that you had no idea the other person was a prostitute or that you never paid for sexual favors. If money never exchanged hands, this could work as your defense.

Q: Do I Need a Lawyer for My Solicitation Case?

A: Technically, no, you do not need to hire a Prostitution Lawyer in Fort Bend for your solicitation case. If you are arrested for soliciting sex from a prostitute, you can try and handle the legal fallout on your own. There’s no law that says you must hire a lawyer. Still, you should seriously consider hiring a Fort Bend, TX Prostitution attorney any time you are dealing with a legal issue. Having someone in your corner who can help can only benefit you in the long run.

Q: What Does Soliciting Prostitution Mean?

A: The act of soliciting prostitution means giving somebody money in exchange for sexual favors. Soliciting prostitution is illegal in Texas and is punishable by significant prison time and hefty fines, depending on the degree of the felony. If you are ever arrested for solicitation, you should immediately call a Fort Bend Prostitution Lawyer and start working on your defense strategy.

Reach Out to an Experienced Fort Bend Prostitution Lawyer Today

If you are ever arrested for soliciting a prostitute, the consequences to your personal and professional lives can be disastrous. In the event of criminal charges, you should consider reaching out to an experienced prostitution lawyers Fort Bend who can help you figure out a plan and devise a strategy for your defense. Criminal charges do not exempt you from high-quality legal representation. We provide comprehensive legal assistance to people facing intimidating criminal charges.

The legal team at Greco Neyland, PC, understands how serious these charges are, and we are here to help you beat them. We can help you develop your case, gather valuable evidence to support your innocence and make sure your interests are consistently protected. Contact us to schedule a consultation with a valued team member today.


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